Friday, October 21, 2022

Post 3 - My dream job

Hello everyone I hope you are doing well, today it's time to talk about my dream job, the job that I want when I graduate, but for now let's begin with my dream job when I was a child. If you read my first post you will know about my interest on Japanese culture, especially on the anime/manga industry. When I was a teenager maybe around the age of 15 I was really into the world of mangakas and I started to learn how to draw the characteristic characters and settings of manga, I did some sketches but most of them without story because I was very bad at creating them and at that time I saw myself drawing manga in the future. Mangakas are well paid but you have to work very hard, because manga magazine editorials are extremely strict. Probably what I'm going to say is not so accurate because it is "fiction" but the manga "Bakuman" explains what I said about how strict it's to be a mangaka, the artists of this manga tries to explain the life of someone who wanted to be a mangaka. Eventually I decided to give that as a hobby but the truth is that I lost the ability to draw hahaha and now I only read manga. 

After that, time to go to university arrived and I thought on a profession that mixes my interest in chemistry and the health area. My first option was Chemistry and Pharmacy the one that I wanted but I had other options such as Medicine or Nursing but my phobia to blood said no no no to them hahaha. Last
 semester I had the subject Botany and I realized that I really enjoyed working with plants, they caught my attention immediately and now I'm very interested in them to the point that when I'm walking on the street and see a plant, I stop just to see and describe it. At the moment I see myself in the future working in a laboratory investigating about plants, discovering alternative treatments to diseases or just a new medicine. Pharmaceutic Chemists are well paid here and I know that when I graduate I'm probably going to work in a pharmacy first to after some years be able to go to a laboratory, I have a lot of time and I'm still young hahaha so I'm not worried about that. Maybe I will discover other areas or maybe not, who knows? 

That's all thank you again for reading 😊

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Post 5 - Changes to my Study Programme

Hello everyone once again, I hope you are doing well! Today you will read the last blog I will write on this site and the topic will be &quo...